Excalibur Advises large Multinational Conglomerates, Middle Market Strategics, Family-Owned Companies, and Private Equity Funds seeking Opportunities to grow their Businesses through Acquisition, Merger, Joint Venture, or Partnership.
Under Buy-Side Engagements, Excalibur assists Clients in identify M&A Opportunities relative to Industry Sector, Enterprise Value, Profitability, Geography, and Share-Holding Structure. The Investment Bank specializes in Cross-Border M&A Transactions having helped Clients source M&A Opportunities in major Markets across Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, South America, and the United States. Excalibur’s typical Buy-Side Engagements entail Public & Private Companies with $500 Million – $4 Billion in Operating Revenues looking for M&A Opportunities in Europe or the United States.
The Investment Bank’s Buy-Side M&A Services include:
DISCUSSIONS with Management about Strategic Options
COMPOSITION of NDA, Target List, and Teaser
OLICITATION of Targets via C-Level Management
SIGNING of Non-Disclosure Agreements (“NDAs”)
FACILITATION of Management Presentations to Targets
SUBMISSION of Preliminary Indications of Interest (“IOIs”)
REVIEW of Operational Due Diligence Items
NEGOTIATION of Terms underlying Binding Letters of Intent (“LOIs”)